More information about this seller contact this seller 8. Jun 09, 2016 but if the american woods had a 19thcentury genesis, its life and significance continued through the 20th and into the 21st centuries. Hough s encyclopedia of american woods volume i by e. With some of the trees in the book now very rare the series now has an added.
Mar 12, 2012 houghs american woods by jessica pigza march 12, 2012. The american woods remains invaluable today due to the range and age of the tree samples hough included, and the librarys rare book division holds a complete set of this delicate and beautiful work, as part of its george arents collection. Transverse, radial and tangential sections of each wood specimen are included, along with their scientific and common namesin german, spanish and french, as well as english. Romeyn b hough american woods first edition abebooks. N1 each part consists of descriptive text and 75 sections of wood mounted on 25 plates in portfolio cover title. The american woods below is a selection of pages from romeyn beck hough s unique fourteen volume work the american woods, a collection of more than paperthin wood samples representing more than 350 varieties of north american tree. He didnt revisit southern florida until volume xiii. Most mounts display three specimens from a species of tree. The american woods remains invaluable today due to the range and age of the tree samples hough included, and the. Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods the shape and.
A painstaking facsimile reproducing all specimen pages from the original volumes of romeyn beck houghs american woods, an indispensable reference. The 14volume set, first published in 1888, is a comprehensive manual of north american hardwoods that does not rely on illustrations. The first volume of american woods, focusing upon trees of hough s native new york, was available by subscription for five dollars. Hough s american woods is an article from the american naturalist, volume 33. Its actually a project to describe the nomenclature of all the american woods and trees of the day. It s actually a project to describe the nomenclature of all the american woods and trees of the day.
This edition is to consist of 15 volumes, each containing a large number of wood sections by r. Between 1888 and 1929, physician and botanist romeyn beck hough published most of a massive multivolume catalog. American commercial woods sample book titled hough s american woods commercial species ii, published and sections made by romeyn b. During a recent visit to the anderson horticultural library at the minnesota landscape arboretum, the librarian was kind enough to show me their collection of houghs american woods the pages you see pictured do not contain photographs theyre actually three pieces of veneer for each species, along with a description and information contained in the. So you can imagine what 600 dpi scans from houghs masterpiece might do to me. Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods volumes i and ii. From the special collections research center of the ncsu libraries.
Hough s american woods part 14 completed by hough s daughter, marjorie g. Houghs american woods part 14 completed by houghs daughter, marjorie g. Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods 14 of 25 volumes. Encyclopaedia of american woods houghs encyclopedia of american woods. Most mounts display three specimens from a species of tree in transverse, radial and tangential sections. Sep 22, 2014 the society of american foresters, through the auction house of bonham s of san francisco, is offering for sale an original set of romeyn beck hough s reference classic, the american woods, with. Romeyn beck hough 18571924 was an american physician and botanist best known for creating the american woods, a 14volume collection of wood. The american woods, exhibited by actual specimens and with.
Her general and technical courses 1891 advertisement from romeyn hough, page 111. Hough had originally planned to publish fifteen volumes, which would include samples of all of the important trees found in north america, but he died in 1924 before the full set was completed. Exhibited by actual specimens and with copious explanatory text, by r. As a person who has been working with wood, i found this book very intriguing. Feb 18, 2015 between 1888 and 1929, physician and botanist romeyn beck hough published most of a massive multivolume catalog. Radial, tangential, and crosssections of 350 north american woods from the 14volume rare book the american woods, published between 1888 and 1910 by the author, romeyn beck hough.
Between 1888 and 19, he did just that, publishing volumes of. Each volume of houghs american woods contains 2526 types of wood. Printed in 1957, houghs encyclopaedia of american woods by e. Each part consists of a paperback book comprising the explanatory text, accompanied by unbound doublesided framelike specimen cards, each labelled and containing three waferthin crosssections of the corresponding woods transverse, radial, and tangential sections. So you can imagine what 600 dpi scans from hough s masterpiece might do to me. The american woods cleveland museum of natural history. American commercial woods sample book titled houghs american woods commercial species ii, published and sections made by romeyn b. Part i representing twentyfive species by twentyseven sets of sections hough, romeyn b.
Hough s encyclopaedia of american woods, volume 2 on. In this luxurious gold edition, each specimen is broken down in three crosssection cuts, revealing its unique characteristics, grain, colours, and. The american woods, romeyn beck hough, codex 99 ncsu library 20. Mar 12, 2012 the american woods remains invaluable today due to the range and age of the tree samples hough included, and the library s rare book division holds a complete set of this delicate and beautiful work, as part of its george arents collection. The book was first published in 1888, and what you brought in today is the third edition of.
Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods 1957 edition open. Jessica pigza, hough s american woods, new york public library march 12, 2012. Published and sections prepared by the author, 188891. The american woods by romeyn beck hough, 1888, pub. Houghs american woods is an article from the american naturalist, volume 33. The american woods, exhibited by actual specimens and with copious explanatory text. Reprint of romeyn beck hough s groundbreaking work american woods. Romeyn beck hough devoted a lifetime to elaborating a synoptic american woods with real samples species by species until his death in 1924, when he had over the years issued piecemeal a dozen volumes. Apr 05, 2019 open library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Planned as a 15volume series arranged geographically, only volumes of the american woods were completed before romeyns death.
Houghs american woods captures a piece of american history in a way no book has done before or since. Radial, tangential, and crosssections of 350 north american woods from the 14volume rare book the american woods, published between 1888 and 1910 by the author, romeyn beck. Printed in 1957, hough s encyclopaedia of american woods by e. Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods by romeyn beck hough, 1957, r. The first volume of american woods, focusing upon trees of houghs native new york, was available by subscription for five dollars. Houghs encyclopaedia of american wods volume vi text. Romeyn hough 18571924 was singleminded in his devotion to trees. Public library stamps, labels, perforation mark one of. Octavo, original tan and navy wrappers, wood samples on card mounts unbound as issued, each volume with its wood samples housed in original blindstamped cloth. Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods 1957 edition. Dec 04, 2014 the american woods, exhibited by actual specimens and with copious explanatory text. Between 1888 and 19, hough published a total of thirteen volumes of the work, but died in 1923 before being able to fulfil his epic fifteen volume. Each species is described in 3 parts, the first including. But if the american woods had a 19thcentury genesis, its life and significance continued through the 20th and into the 21st centuries.
Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods volumes i and ii plus their accompanying volumes of samples by harrar, e. Hough developed a specialized woodcutting machine, which he patented in 1886. Culled and assembled by romeyn beck hough between 1888 and 19 in what still remains a stunning and unparalleled achievement, american woods originally published in 14 volumes, with actual specimens mounted on card stockis a work of breathtaking beauty that has set the standard for the study of trees and wood. Hough left behind a vast collection of specimens and some of these were included in harrars 1957 houghs encyclopedia of american woods and the 1958 houghs american woods basic visual aid kit. Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods the shape and color. Library exhibit showcases books that feature images of trees.
Each volume number consists of text volume and volume of mounted sections. Public library stamps, labels, perforation mark one of the greatest american. First editions of the first three volumes of houghs monumental compendium of american woods, with 237 wood samples mounted on cards. This year 2000 i was introduced to a very unusual book in uwm s special collections. Season 17 episode 20 2m 47s watch ken sanderss appraisal of a 1910 houghs american woods 3rd edition set, in roadshows special.
Houghs encyclopedia of american woods volume i by e. Houghs american woods woodworking blog videos plans. Below is a selection of pages from romeyn beck houghs unique fourteen volume work the american woods, a collection of more than paperthin wood samples representing more than 350 varieties of north american tree. In 1954, robert speller and sons, publishers, determined that a large supply of houghs original samples still existed and were in the possession of houghs daughter, marjorie. Jessica pigza, houghs american woods, new york public library march 12, 2012. A new edition of romeyn houghs great work on american trees and woods, first produced between 1888 and 1928, the final volume coming out four years after the naturalists death. Kim steiner made me aware of a most unusual opportunity for the discriminating woodbook collector. A painstaking facsimile reproducing all specimen pages from the original volumes of romeyn beck houghs american woods, an indispensable reference work of breathtaking beauty that has set the standard for the study of trees and wood. A scientific name index to american woods by romeyn b. Reprint of romeyn beck houghs groundbreaking work american woods. The society of american foresters, through the auction house of bonhams of san francisco, is offering for sale an original set of romeyn beck houghs reference classic, the american woods, with.
Compiled in fourteen volumes between 1888 and 19, the american woods is not just about wood it is wood, a book replicating, in a typically categorical fashion, the american forest. Open library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Houghs american woods by jessica pigza march 12, 2012. The images can be accessed by volume number or by the scientific or common name of each tree. Hough has made a rare contribution to american botany in a model book. More information about this seller contact this seller 12. The american woods remains invaluable today due to the range and age of the tree samples hough included, and the librarys rare book.
Laura rice, chief curator at the adirondack museum, speaks with andy flynn about houghs american woods, a 19thcentury book of thinly sliced wood samples published in lowville, n. For example, the first four volumes iiv covered woods of the north atlantic coast, and volume v covered north florida. A new edition of romeyn hough s great work on american trees and woods, first produced between 1888 and 1928, the final volume coming out four years after the naturalist s death. Rare 1880s houghs american commercial woods sample book. Fine condition in a very good slipcases book description. The present three volumes, the first three of the series, are devoted to the woods of new york and the adjacent states. He was also a new yorker, and when he embarked on the american woods, he turned to the trees of his state first in what would eventually grow to be a 14volume masterwork. Romeyn hough 18571924 was singleminded in his devotion to trees he was also a new yorker, and when he embarked on the american woods, he turned to the trees of his state first in what would eventually grow to be a 14volume masterwork. Hough s encyclopaedia of american woods by romeyn beck hough, 1957, r. Houghs encyclopaedia of american woods, volume 2 on.
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